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Last updated: 30 September 2022

Benefits of Vehicle Tracking

What is Vehicle Tracking?

Vehicle tracking systems, as the name suggest, allow tracking of vehicles in its most basic function. Other functions include vehicle tracking performance and maintenance, driver’s performance, but also facilitates fuel management and dispatching, sends alerts and notifications, prevents thefts and provides reports and enables analysis of these reports. More functionalities are possible, however, that depends on the company offering fleet management solutions.

White Truck

Passive and Active Tracking

Vehicle tracking systems can be divided into passive and active. Passive tracking systems collect and save all the information, which will be later retrieved. Active tracking systems collect and send information in the real-time, which offers more advantages. Some tracking system may use both passive and active tracking. Professional car tracker costs start from £169 per year if you opt for a rental agreement, and £199 if you buy the car tracker outright. If there is no signal, information will be saved and sent as soon as there is the possibility. While passive tracking devices and systems may be a less expensive solution, however fully sufficient to some companies.

Benefits of Vehicle Tracking

What will implementation of vehicle tracking into fleet management bring? What are the advantages and why should a vehicle tracking system be used? Among the benefits of using vehicle tracking system we can find cost saving, discounts on insurance, improved safety of employees and fleet, better service for customers, improved time and employee management as well as administration and theft prevention.

GP Vehicle Tracking Fleet

There are many advantages to using vehicle tracking system in the fleet management. However, to make the most out of the vehicle tracking system, prior thorough research on different systems is needed in order to ensure a cost-effective choice.