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Last updated: 28 July 2021

Top 100 Self-Improvement Blogs for 2016

Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.

- Mark Twain

The world we live in requires constant improvement, which may sometimes be very stressful. Luckily there are others whose advice and guidance can be of significant help. Market Inspector is proudly presenting the most inspirational, useful, and brightly written self-improvement blogs of 2016.

Self-improvement is a lifelong process aiming for a better and happier life. It represents a process of inner change, self-growth, adopting a positive mindset, getting rid of the negative habits, and acquiring new, positive ones.

If you focus on self-improvement it won’t only help you become a better version of yourself. Since self-improvement gleans you new skills and qualities, it may also improve both your personal and professional life and open up a world of new opportunities.

"TOP 100 Self-Improvement Blogs of 2016" is a list of those making a significant impact on their readers’ well-being and professional development. The awards are divided into five subcategories, as follows:

The selection was not easy and the classification was even harder, while many of the blogs could potentially be classified in more than one category.

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TO 100 Self-Improvement blogs 2016

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Personal Development

This category includes a wide range of blogs that focus on personal development. Those are blogs focusing on time management, leadership, work-life balance, good habits, and many more.

The Suitcase Entrepreneur

Natalie Sisson has decided to begin her mission in 2010. Throughout the blog journey, she has published The Suitcase Entrepreneur Book and interviewed many expert entrepreneurs. She has created a 10 Day Blog Challenge that will help you to become free and ‘live life on your own terms’.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“My mission is what motivates me to inspire others. Every day I wake up I know I'm on a mission to help 1,000,000 entrepreneurs create freedom in business and adventure in life by 2020. I truly want people to experience true freedom on their own terms and that's why I blog, podcast, speak and educate.”

The 4-Hour Work Week

Tim Ferriss is a self-experimenter and bestselling author, best known for ” The 4-Hour Workweek”, which has been translated into 40+ languages. For his book Tim got inspired while working 14-hours a day at a company he founded.

Frustrated by the workaholic lifestyle and lack of free time he couldn’t, but take a break. While travelling to Europe, Asia and South America, he developed a new concept of life-work balance.

On his blog Tim covers a range of topics such as entrepreneurship, practical philosophy, mental performance, writing, travelling, physical performance, and others. 

The Time Doctor

Mike Gardner discovers hints, tips, and techniques that enable people to improve their management of time and prioritize their activities while they stay productive and keep a balance between professional and personal commitments. In his blog section, he gives tips on how to lead an amazing & simple life, how to say NO, achieve better family time spent, and many more.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“I come across far too many people who are striving for success in their business and professional lives and in doing so forget that they need to make space for their family and friends. It’s all well and good to be building a successful career or business, so that you can provide for your family, but in reality it’s the time you spend with your family that they remember. Slaving away for hours in your business doesn’t make memories. Being in your family’s presence, interacting and initiating activities is what really matters, because that is where memories are made.

For nearly 30 years I have been married to my wonderful wife Wendy and have two grown up children. I am proud to say that whilst they were growing up I never missed a parents evening, school play, sports day or anything else that was important to them. I did all this whilst running a successful business.

I want others to realise that they can have the same, they can balance their business and family commitments in a way that enables them to feel fulfilled and guilt-free and give them the tools to achieve this.

This has been further reinforced over the last twelve months when I suffered three heart attacks and a stroke, you can’t put things off till tomorrow, you never know what is around the corner and tomorrow may never come."

Life Optimizer

Donald Latumahina from Indonesia is ‘an avid learner with a deep passion in IT and personal effectiveness’. His passion for books about personal growth and business (that he prefers to books about computers) led him to start blogging about personal development. One random fact about Donald is that in 2003, he wrote a computer book in Indonesian titled “Practical Guide to Using Linux for Windows Users”.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“I believe that everyone has a great potential. However, it bothers me that many people don't reach their full potential in life. That's why I started the blog: to help people reach their full potential.”

Steven Aitchison

In September 2012, Steven gave up his job as business manager and started pursuing his dream of setting up a business and working from home. The writing style of his blog is informative, smart, and casual.

Steven has attracted the attention of thousands of readers all around the world. He writes on a variety of topics in the personal development field and he is considered to be an expert in Early Rising, habits, beliefs, and mind development.

Time Management Chef

Time Management Chef was established by Tor Refsland, a passionate online businessman. He is enthusiastic about working and helping like-minded people. His blog is dedicated to those who are about to start their own business or just want to grow - ‘and don’t want to get caught up in the procrastination trap’. Tor is here to break down complicated subjects into easy and very practical tips.

What motivates you to inspire others?
"On a vacation in Turkey I almost died by falling 393,7 feet into a certain death while parasailing. It was a HUGE wake up call, and I started to review my life and decided that I needed to do some major changes.

I decided to quit my six-figure corporate job in one of the biggest companies in Norway to start my online business. After being featured on 158 top blogs in my first 14 months, winning several awards, and coaching six and seven figure earners, I have found my true calling... to help talented consultants and coaches to become the ass-kicking authority in their field so they can 2x or even 4x their business.

My mission is to help them position their personal BRAND and NETWORK with influencers so the world will finally see how freakin´ awesome they are. As my mentor Zig Ziglar put it: ‘When you help enough people to get what they want, you will get what you want.’

It´s all about over-delivering in every single interaction, and truly caring about helping other people succeed."

The Self Improvement Blog

Irene’s blog will help you to find the tools you need to achieve your self-improvement goals and begin to experience the happiness you desire. Irene has a master’s degree in nursing and a doctoral degree in metaphysics. In her blog section, she writes about how to pursue happiness, why water is important, what yoga can do for you, and much more.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“I have been in healthcare most of my life. I practiced nursing, taught nursing at ASU and served as Administrator of Nursing at a local hospital. When I retired I still wanted to help others.
The self-help movement was in full swing and when my son started building WordPress based websites I told him I wanted a blog about Self Improvement to continuing helping others.

As more and more information is discovered about how powerful our thoughts are to either heal or create mal-function and as we gain more understanding about how holistic we are, I was determined to bring as much of this information as I can to my readers. I make every effort to find cutting edge self-improvement tools and approaches to help people deal with the stresses and challenges they meet on a daily basis.

On the About Page I wrote, ‘The blog was created because almost everyone wants to be better, do better, achieve more. All real change comes within but many of us don’t know where to find the information or guidance we need to make the changes that bring about the improvement. And most of us don’t know how to work “within.’ This is as true today as when I wrote it in 2007.”


The Aha!NOW, founded by Harleena Singh, is a multi-niche lifestyle blog creating a community for like-minded people who believe in ‘doing good and spreading happiness’. The articles deal with topics related to personal as well as social and professional matters. The bloggers provide the readers with suggestions on how to a live happier life, create more love in relationships, inspire ourselves to be positive, and much more.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“I love helping people. This is the sole reason why I started blogging. I feel that as a blogger the most I can do is to convey the right information, ask thought-provoking questions, and inspire others to take a step forward to solve their problems.

What motivates me is the positive response I get from the readers of my blog. It helps me validate that I'm doing the right thing and that I should keep doing it.”

Making Business Matter

The founder, Darren A. Smith created MBM after spending 12 years at a big four UK supermarket as a Category Manager, as he saw the need to help suppliers work better with retailers.

Market Business Matter offers trainings with focus on account managers, category managers, NPD teams, and supply chain personnel because this is where they believe they can make the biggest difference. MBM helps people with time management, negotiation and presentation, and other soft skills. The blog offers many development training tips.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“I always admired those with experience and knowledge that shared with humility, confidence, and a genuine willingness to see others improve. I wanted to emulate those people.” 

Life Goals Mag

Life Goals Mag was established by Coley Lane with ‘focus on today’s women who are aspired to do more, be more, see more, and learn more’.

This online magazine is about choosing to work towards being the best versions of ourselves that we can be. The inspirational content is written by females from around the world and covers topics such as career, relationships, wellness, personal growth, and lifestyle. 

Mind Tools

Mind Tools was established in 1996, and since then has been helping individuals as well as companies and government agencies worldwide.

It is run by a team of professionals who help you learn the practical, straightforward skills you need to become better in your career. The was awarded a Queen's Award for Enterprise in 2012. In the blog section, they cover tips on leadership, team management, problem solving, and many more.

The Change Blog

Peter Clemens created the Change Blog in 2007. He did so because he wanted to share his story hoping that it would help others. The blog has evolved into a community blog that publishes stories from people of all ages and backgrounds from across the globe.

The blog section reveals tips on how to deal with depression and turn it into happiness, how moments can affect our lives, and much more.

James Clear

James Clear describes himself as ‘the author, photographer & bald guy behind’. James writes about how small habits can change our lives, and society, for the better.

His way of living and giving practical pieces of advice is by uncovering the latest scientific research and explaining it in a way that one can easily understand and actually use. In his articles, James shares his thoughts about health, creativity, motivation, habits, and much more.

Make it Happen

Make It Happen Club was created by Arvind Devalia to help millions of people around the world to ‘become better versions of themselves in any way they can’, whilst also making the world a better place.

He believes that, deep down, each and every one of us wants to do something for the world. By following the right path we can make a greater contribution to the world.

Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma is Canadian writer and leadership speaker. He started his career as a lawyer, however, soon realised where his true potential lies. At the age of 25, he quit his job and self-published his first book MegaLiving, soon following by The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari that became an international bestseller.

Robin has been ranked as one of the Top 5 Leadership Gurus in the World, and his books on leadership have sold over 6,000,000 copies in more than 60 countries.

Essential Life Skills

Zorka Hereford is the author behind Essential Life Skills. She has been curious about life since her childhood and always wanted to have answers to everything and understand everything around her.

She believes that loving and accepting yourself is the #1 skill needed for everything else to matter and fall in place. Her site is full of ideas and thoughts related to personal development, creativity, and critical thinking.

Stephen Guise

Stephen has been experimenting with personal development strategies for ten years. He is interested in neuroscience and has always been looking for logical ways to apply the research to personal development.

His blog section reveals secrets on how to be effective & focused, what mistakes to avoid when setting a goal, why to stop worrying about results, and much more.

Kevin Kruse

Kevin’s mission is to convince everyone that being a leader means to engage your employees. In that way you can increase your business results with a lead to better health and relationship.

Kevin has been a keynote speaker on leadership, human capital, and entrepreneurship at many events. In his leadership section, you can read how to maximize your focus, how to achieve your goals, live your life to the fullest, and much more.

Personal Excellence

Personal Excellence, founded by Celestine Chua, is a platform for those to achieve excellence in life. Celestine’s goal is to ‘unite the world as one consciousness by helping others to achieve their highest potential and live their best lives.’

On Personal Excellence blog you can read about how to lead a better life and what to do before you die, how to deal with rude & critical people, and much more.

Live Bold & Bloom

Barrie Davenport is the founder of Live Bold & Bloom. She believes it is the action that is important to develop ourselves.

In her articles, she reveals tips on how to overcome shyness, how to be attractive, how to deal with angry people, and much more. Barrie can also provide you with guidance on how to create a profitable blog or how to write a book.


This category includes blogs that represent a powerful resource for both those starting a business or those in need of inspiration. 

Jeet Banarjee

Jeet Banerjee is an entrepreneur, digital marketing consultant, TEDx speaker, and author. Jeet launched his entrepreneurial career at the age of 17. Since then he has launched a handful of tech startups, has advised numerous entrepreneurs with their ventures and spoken at conferences all around the world.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“My motivation for inspiring others is simply to bring out the best in others and to make the world a better place. I know that every person has it inside of them to do something great, but sometimes it just takes a little extra motivation, inspiration or help to bring it out.” 


EOFire founder John Lee Dumas launched the site in 2012. He is committed to help guide others on their entrepreneurial journey by sharing insights from today’s most successful entrepreneurs. So far, he has interviewed over 1400 successful entrepreneurs. ‘Entrepreneurs on Fire’ is about inspiring people to take an entrepreneurial leap. Besides the blog, the site offers podcast, workshops, webinars, tools, and resources.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“What motivates me to inspire others is knowing the impact and ripple effect it creates in the world. The true freedom we all have access to, but that so few pursue, is what I want others to not only realize is attainable, but also for them to experience that freedom. Life is short; the time to take action and start living the life we want to live is now.”

Young Upstarts

Young Upstarts focus on stories and thought leadership pieces that help businesses become better at what they do. On the site they showcase content that highlights young entrepreneurs and celebrate their vision and role in changing the world with their ideas, products, and services. The blog covers many articles related to entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, ideas, innovation, and small business.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“As a site that curates useful and insightful content for small business owners and entrepreneurs, we're always keen to see them succeed in their endeavours. To hear of one entrepreneur making a mark for themselves gives us more impetus to help others like them!”

David Airey

David Airey is a graphic designer and occasional writer from Northern Ireland. On his blog he shares thoughts about visual identity, marketing, and branding. David’s blog is a useful resource both for graphic designers and for those starting a business and wondering about the visual aspect of their brand. David also runs a website that is devoted to design of logos and brand identities.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“I don’t really think about inspiring people, I'm just happy to be of some help. As Anne Frank once wrote, ‘No one has ever become poor by giving.’"

Make a Living Writing

Make a Living Writing offers practical help for hungry writers. Carol Tice is a longtime freelancer who is passionate about helping other writers to earn more from their work.

She started the Make a Living Writing blog in 2008. The blog nowadays consists of 700+ useful posts.

Carol writes about blogging, copywriting, networking, productivity, on how to overcome fear and how to earn more money from writing.

Enterprise Made Simple

Enterprise Made Simple was established in 2008 with the goal to make the processes of starting a business and growing a business, as easy as possible. Over the last 3 years they have helped create more than 1,500 new businesses.

They offer information, advice, and training for new and established businesses. The blog offers tips and inspiration related to starting a business, creating a website, online marketing, apps, and many others.

You will learn how to improve your marketing images, how to create engaging website or what are the best apps and websites you should be using. 

Under 30 CEO is a platform for entrepreneurs, inspiring the world’s next generation of business leaders.

Under30CEO features interviews with the most successful young people on the planet, provides advice on how to achieve our goals and build a business of our dreams. They also publish cutting edge news for the young entrepreneur.

Mum & Career

Mum & Career is the top not-for-profit UK site for working mothers that shows that combining career and children can work out. The site inspires, supports, and informs mums with ambition for a change.

One can find answers to the most asked questions by working mums in expert articles, filled with practical information, tools and tips. The founder of Mum & Career is Inge Woudstra.

Wealthy Gorilla

Dan Western created Wealthy Gorilla to help others achieve their dreams and fulfill their potential. He started the site in 2014 after a “brutal break up” that made him to reconsider his own life goals.

Many of the posts are devoted to business and entrepreneurship, however, one can also find articles on topics such as success, self-improvement and motivation.

The entrepreneurship section provides readers with useful tips on marketing, technology and investment strategies. You will also learn more about necessary skills you have to develop to become a successful entrepreneur.


Bplans contains the largest online collection of free sample business plans. In addition, it has helpful tools and guides to help you manage your business better. Bplans includes practical advice on planning, offers interactive tools and calculators, and publishes daily advice that will help you grow your business.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“In terms of what inspires us, it's helping entrepreneurs start businesses that survive beyond the standard five years. We get excited about helping entrepreneurs take charge of their business numbers and metrics so that they can make informed decisions—most business owners are terrified of their numbers!”

Startup Donut

The Donut website is aimed at helping businesses succeed by providing reliable information and resources that can save business owners time and money.

With an engaging mix of guides, articles, checklists, expert Q&As, FAQs, case studies, video content, and blogs, each site provides new and established businesses with free advice about how to manage a range of key tasks and issues. The site also contains a weekly round-up of small business news.

Small Businesses provides expert resources, products, and services for small business owners and start-ups.

On their blog, they offer free online advice in the form of news articles, guides, tips, and features that can point you in the right direction to start and run your own small business.

The articles cover range of topics such as funding, investing in a franchise, work-life balance, taxes, logistics, banking, managing staff, legal advice, insurance, and technology. 

The Female Entrepreneur Association

The Female Entrepreneur Association, founded by Carrie Green, is an online hub.

Its mission is to inspire and empower women from around the world to turn their ideas into a reality, build successful businesses, and live a life they love. They publish successful stories and regular content on their blog, including how-to tips, tools and more.

Lifestyle Entrepreneur

Jesse Krieger, the author of Lifestyle Entrepreneur, shares stories and strategies for entrepreneurial success. As an international best-selling author of Lifestyle Entrepreneur: Make Money Doing What You Love, Even in Tough Times, he states his mission is “to inspire and instruct the next generation of lifestyle entrepreneurs.”

On his blog he share ideas on strategies and mindset.
Jesse serial entrepreneur who has founded or co-founded over seven businesses in the last ten years.

One of them is Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press, where Jesse focuses on publishing inspiring authors. He defines his mission as helping authors become entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs become best-selling authors. is the UK’s leading independent, online resource for anyone starting and growing a business. Established in 2000, they are one of the the longest serving, largest, and most comprehensive advice platform covering everything one needs to know to start, purchase, operate or sell a business.

Whether you are in search for business inspiration to launch your own start-up, information on franchising, the latest insights into the tech startup scene or tips on how to manage a fast-growth company – this is the right place to start your search.

Life Long Learner

On his blog, Scott Britton shares tips and advice on sales, marketing, career, psychology, willpower, life hacks, networking, business development, and personal growth whilst many of the blog posts are devoted to startups.

Scott knows that starting something new can be really tough and that by having a proven system, you too can replicate successful results, which makes it much easier when starting a business.

Silicon Beach Training

Established in 1998, Silicon Beach Training has a reputation for offering a broad spectrum of high-quality, certified training courses for both individuals and organisations.

Their blog covers topics such as leadership, time management, change management, digital marketing, social media, SEO, project management, main steps to delegation, communication, business skills, and many others.


Launched in 2001, is4profit is an independent, information resource offering business advice for enterprises of any size in the UK.

Whether you are a smaller or larger enterprise they offer wide a range of features, guides, blog posts, and the latest small business news to help you run your business more efficiently. The blog posts covers a range of business advice topics from finances to sales, marketing and operations.

NonProfit Tech for Good

Nonprofit Tech for Good is a leading social and mobile media resource for nonprofit professionals.

Created and managed by Heather Mansfield, the site focuses on providing valuable, easy-to-understand information, news, and resources related to web and email communication, online fundraising tools, and mobile and social media. Heather also offers webinars on how nonprofits can effectively utilize digital technology.

Smart Blogger

Dedicated to helping bloggers get more traffic, is an online magazine created by Jon Morrow, one of the web's leading authorities on blogging and writing.

Once a week, Smart Blogger publishes fresh content from talented writers. You will learn how to build a popular blog, how to get more readers, build your email list and become an authority in your blogging niche.

Self Motivational

This category includes blogs that deal with topics such as relationships, as how to become a happier person, how to be happy with less, how to get rid of negative thoughts, and how to start loving the lives we live.

Live Your Legend

Live Your Legend is a community of people who are trying to help others to find and do work they love. The founder of Live Your Legend is Scott Dinsmore, but since he passed away, his wife Chelsea carries on the message in his stead. During his journey, Scott developed a great framework with useful tools to help people find and do work they love.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“What motivates me to inspire is to keep my late husband Scott's mission and vision alive. And to encourage people to live a purposeful life - because I truly think if people spent more time doing the things they love, the world would be all altogether different place."

Simple Mindfulness

Paige Burkes created Simple Mindfulness to support others in new, mindful ways of being that will allow them to live a happier and a more fulfilled life. Her goal at Simple Mindfulness is to guide people along the path that she has taken and hopefully save others some of their precious time and life energy.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“Most people have no idea what they’re capable of. By getting them to see their world and worldview a little differently, I hope to open their eyes to the possibilities awaiting them. When I can encourage people to take the baby steps out of their comfort zone and into new territory they didn’t know existed, it’s so exciting for me to see them light up with possibilities and new energy. To see people move from unhappiness and drudgery as a way of life to doing what they love and discovering their happiness - that’s priceless. I’ll keep doing it for the rest of my life.” 


David Cain is a writer and entrepreneur living in Winnipeg, Canada. He started his blog in 2009. David describes his blog as a street-level look at the human experience.

He writes about what school never taught us - how to improve the quality of life in real-time.

He shares ideas on how to become less shy, how to worry less, how to get yourself to do things, how to make bad days okay, and how to be good at what we are bad at. 

Just Be Real

Theo Ellis experienced a significant transition in his life. In his teenage years he felt like a lost sheep without a shepherd; lacking any direction in life.

Later on, in his 20’s, he realized that was not the way and he started diving into topics of personal development and getting into entrepreneurship. On his amazing website he shares his experience and advice related to self-esteem, self-confidence, and personal growth.

Possibility, creativity, music, ambition and experiences are the 5 powerful things that inspire Theo to wake up everyday.

Marc and Angel Hack Life

Marc and Angel Chernoff are professional personal development coaches. Through their blog, book, course, and coaching, they’ve spent the past decade writing about and teaching proven strategies to find happiness, success, love, and peace.

The goal of the blog is to help people identify and get rid of limiting beliefs that encumber them. The site contains over 800 articles on happiness, productivity, emotional intelligence, relationships, and general self-improvement.

Place of Serenity

Yvette Jane is a working mother, a teacher, an editor, and an energy healer. Her approach is to live a calmer, connected pace of life in a full-on, frenetic world. She is passionate about giving her readers the tools to achieve their goals. Her mission is to help empower women and men who are already doing their very best in life.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“Through my work, I love to share how we all have a ‘place of serenity’ within us. This is the ability to access the power of peace and inner calm. No-one can take that away from you. Through meditation and a mindful way of life every single one of us is empowered. What motivates me is the simple knowledge that I’m reminding you of your own natural capacity.” 

Baggage Reclaim

Natalie - mother of two daughters, wife, coach, and London-based blogger, started her blog in 2005. Natalie shares her thoughts with people who are ready to “get off the hamster wheel of going out with Mr/Miss Unavailables so that they can be in the relationship that they truly want and deserve”. The blog helps others deal with the leftover baggage of their previous relationships and to gain more self-confidence.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“I often bring people to tears (in a good way!) and I’m devoted to delivering thought-provoking insights and teachings that leave attendees feeling empowered and moved. I want people to experience a shift that they can carry with them and parlay into steps towards their true self and desires.”


Tyler Tervooren, founder of Riskology writes for introverts about the science and strategies for becoming a great leader. On his blog he has published more than 500 articles. Riskology teaches introverts how to own their personality because by mastering their psychology and taking smart risks they, themselves, can develop into strong leaders.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“I love watching other people recognize something in themselves they didn't see before. It excites me and I enjoy being a part of that realization.”

Self Stairway

Self Stairway is a fast growing personal development website filled with anecdote-driven articles, written by Vincent Nguyen, to provide inspiration and the tools to improve your outlook on life.

The blog is not about telling people to “just be optimistic.” Vincent himself states that nothing on the site is written through theory or maybes. The articles are all inspired by life experiences.

Not Salmon

Karen Salmansohn is the founder of Not Salmon – as well as a bestselling author and award winning designer – with over 1 million books sold – and over 1 million Facebook fans.

She is committed to inspire people to live a life they love. You will enjoy not only the ideas and thoughts but also the overall design of the site as well.

Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy is chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company that specialises in training and development of individuals and organizations. Brian's goal is to help people achieve their personal and business goals.

Brian Tracy has consulted more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 5,000,000 people in 5,000 talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 70 other countries worldwide.

Superhero You

SuperheroYou combines education and entertainment to inspire people to enhance collaboration, creativity, and change. Superhero You is a community dedicated to helping people discover their superpower.

In today’s fast-paced information age, brain strength has replaced physical strength.
“Mind power has replaced muscle power. And if knowledge is power, then Learning is Superpower.”

Purpose Fairly

As an enthusiastic student of the arts, psychology, and spirituality, Luminita Saviuc takes great pleasure in helping others grow. She believes happiness is not just our birthright, but it’s also a skill that anyone should learn to cultivate, to not only survive but thrive.

In her blog, she shares personal growth advice.
“No matter your background or life challenges, Purpose Fairy has something to brighten up everyone’s day.”

The Emotion Machine

The Emotion Machine is an online resource that helps guide people through inevitable changes we all have to go through in life. It first started in June 2009, and it currently has 500+ free articles on various topics in psychology and self-improvement, including the latest discoveries and research in: cognitive psychology, social psychology, positive psychology, neuroscience, and much more.

The goal behind The Emotion Machine is to combine the work from many different fields into a comprehensive perspective on self-improvement and mental health that anyone can follow.

Paid to Exist

Paid to Exist is all about eliminating the separation between what you get paid to do and what you love. Because that is the way you can contribute to your world and live a life of freedom.

Jonathan Mead, the founder of Paid to Exist believes there is a new paradigm of work emerging. Or that at least, there is an opportunity for it to become the new paradigm and it’s up to us to make it happen.


Tynan believes in making deliberate decisions and breaking away from the herd mentality. In 2008, he sold everything he owned and went on an extended world trip.

On his blog Tynan shares thoughts about building positive mindset, being happy, travelling, spontaneity, how to love work, and self-motivation.

In Pursuit of Happiness

The site is all about helping people figure out how to do less of what they don’t love and more of what they do. Its founder Britt Reints writes about finding happiness in everyday life.

It’s about encouraging people to trust themselves as the experts of their own happiness.

On her blog, she shares thoughts about how to be happy even there is suffering in the world, how to deal with negative people and much more. 

The Unlost

Therese Schwenkler’s original blog is written in a humorous manner and is full of inspirational articles covering a variety of topics related to life fulfillment. Unlost is a great motivational life-coaching site for younger generations.

“I created this site because, quite frankly, most of the popular advice for today’s generation sucks (and also, is boring), and I wanted to change that.”

T1Q - The One Question

T1Q is run by a small team of philosophers, scientists, spiritual leaders, and coaches who want to share everything they know to help others.

They believe that every single person has the right and responsibility to live their purpose. Human life is valuable, precious, miraculous, and should be experienced to the fullest. If people are given the resources to live life in full, they inevitably make the world a better place. And that is the mission of T1Q.

Think Simple Now

Think Simple Now

Think Simple Now (TSN) is a personal development community with self-reflective stories. Their mission is to empower each other to find inner clarity and fulfillment in the modern world, filled with distractions.

The founder of TSN, Tina Su, started the site in the fall of 2007 to teach life lessons she has learned on her journey of self-understanding and personal growth.

Life Hacks

This category includes blogs covering so-called life hacks. Life hacks are smart tips for life, be it any kind of advice, resource, tip or trick that help one to get things done more efficiently and effectively.

Dragos Roua

Dragos Roua is an online entrepreneur, personal development fanatic, blogger, father, runner, tanguero, dreamer and risk taker. Dragos helps people to become more productive, by getting them started on healthy habits, being able to run marathons or starting their own business. Dragos also thinks happiness is a process, not a goal.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“The fact that I've been through some tough times in my life and I know how it is. During these times, every little thing that can lift you up, that can shed some light is simply amazing. Sometimes, a little inspiration from somebody who’s been through the same ordeals as you are right now, can make the difference between success or failure.”

Paul Minors

Paul describes himself as a coffee drinking tech lover, who is passionate about productivity. Because of his full-time job as an online mortgage broker, it is essential for him to stay focused and manage his time well. On Paul’s blog, you can read about how to get organised and get more done, why we should not compare ourselves to others, and many more.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“As someone who’s driven by the idea of becoming the best version of yourself you can be, I love being able to help people from all over the world to achieve their goals and live a happier, more fulfilling life. To me, productivity is about more than just ‘getting stuff done’. It’s a tool for getting more out of life and I love to see what people can do when they improve their productivity and use their time more effectively.”

Think Productive

Think Productive is a global productivity training company providing fun workshops with practical at-desk coaching. Their blog covers topics such as work-life balance, how to be more productive, how to manage stress, and many others. The founder of Think Productive and productivity ninja is Graham Allcott.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“Our inspiration behind the blog is to spread the word and help us fulfil our mission of creating an army of productivity ninjas. We run a whole range of productivity workshops within companies and a lot of our blog readers are either people who have been on one of our workshops and want to keep up their skills and continue learning, or they’re people who don’t have corporate training available to them and this allows us to reach a much wider audience and help more and more people to experience the benefits of playful productive momentum and thinking productively.”

99 Smart Ideas

Camilla’s blog is aimed to help people live a more fulfilling life. She shows how to take charge of time and life, how to stop procrastinating, how to start focusing, how to get things done, and how to find joy in what one does.

She knows that time is our most precious asset, that, unfortunately, is not renewable. She shares her ideas on how to focus, overcome, overwhelm, and stop procrastinating.

Develop Good Habits

Steve “S.J.” Scott thinks the only way to improve yourself is to set achievable goals and develop daily habits that move us towards these outcomes. And that’s why he started Develop Good Habits. Steve shows how to make small, but important improvements to our existing habits.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“I believe that ultimately a person is not measured by their accomplishments or by how much "stuff" they accrue. People are measured by how much of an impact they have on other peoples lives.

One of the reasons I have a self help blog, and write self help books is because this is method where I can have an impact on the lives of many people. I am not vain enough to think I have a life changing impact, but I like to think that I give inspiration and ideas that help people to make changes that will change a few lives for the better.”

Do Something Cool

Steve believes that since we have a limited amount of time to live, we should be making the most out of it. He gives tips on travelling, personal development, self-education, and success.

Steve thinks that sometimes we just have to take a little risk to live a little fuller.
“Do Something Cool. The name was no accident.”  

On his blog, you can learn about the reasons why to travel while you are young, why to be like water, and much more.

DIY & Crafts

As there are hundreds of inspirational and innovative DIY blogs, the aim of DIY & Crafts is to organize all these sites and projects on one place and this way help people find the best DIY blog posts.

The motto of the blog is ‘save money and have fun doing things yourself’. The tips cover topics such as home, fashion, health, life hacks, food, decorating, and organisation.

Asian Efficiency

Asian Efficiency’s goal is to do things with the least amount of effort while delivering the maximum amount of output. Their mission is to make the world a better and more efficient place.

The website is full of tips, tricks and techniques for getting things done in a smarter and more efficient way so as one can live a more productive life.

David Seah

Dave Seah is a visual designer, creating productivity tools to help people keep focused in the face of life's everyday distractions.

On his website, he documents his passions and experiments for people who are learning to develop their creative strengths and pursue meaningful work. He covers subjects such as how to battle procrastination, handle other people’s expectations, and many others.

Write to Done

Write to Done is site that helps people to learn how to write better. Whether you create non-fiction, novels, blog posts, or sales pages content, you will definitely find inspiration and tips here.

Mary Jaksch, the Chief Editor, states that the key thing is that everyone can learn to write well. Writing is not a question of genetics, it’s all about practice.


Lifehack is an amazing source for tips to help you improve all aspects of your life. The site is widely recognized as one of the premier
productivity and lifestyle blogs.

The blog is dedicated to many types of lifehacks, which is a term describing any kind of advice, tip or trick that can help you get things done in more efficient and effective way. 

Time Management Ninja

Craig Jarrow’s time management philosophy is about learning proper skills, habits, and tools that empower people to take control of their professional and personal lives. The mission of this site is to help individuals and companies manage their time as best as possible.

It is about time management, productivity, and goal setting. It also includes tips related to technology and tools to boost effectivity.

Robert Half Blog

Robert Half is UK based recruitment service helping companies hire accounting, finance, banking, technology, and administrative professionals. Their blog is dedicated to career advice, communication skills, work-life balance, management, and leadership.

You’ll get to know how to coach your tech team, what are the top leadership qualities and what mistakes to avoid, how to manage different characters in your office or how to make the most of your first day at a new job. 

Do It Yourself is an independent home improvement and home repair website. was established in 1995 with a goal to provide the readers with unbiased home improvement and repair information.

Nowaydays averages over 6 million visitors per month and creates a community environment.

Scott H. Young

Scott provides ideas and tips covering many areas from business to career, discipline, habits, and language.

What is the ideal way to live? The blog started as a series of philosophical ramblings Scott used to try to answer this exact question. The theme of posts ranges from productivity to learning to the meaning of life. More recently, the blog has narrowed to ask: what’s the best way to learn?

A Life of Productivity

Chris Bailey has always been fascinated by productivity. A Life of Productivity is the natural continuation of Chris’s project: A Year of Productivity.

On his site, Chris gives tips on how to be more productive in various aspects of life. Thoughts and ideas are divided into categories such as technology, time management, energy, health, money, and housekeeping.

The Interview Guys

Jeff Gillis and Mike Simpson, also known as the Interview Guys; two career coaches giving interesting tips on optimising your resume, how to get a job interview, how to prepare, and many follow-up tips.

However neither of them was born as professional advisor - they both went a long journey of interview failures and rejection. On their blog they have taken all their experience and knowledge turning them into useful guides, tips and tricks that will help you get the job offer right from the next interview. 


Mike Vardy created the Productivityist help people stop “doing” productive and start “being” productive through developing practical and tactical approaches to their work and lives.

The blog covers hundreds of articles with tips and ideas related to productivity.

You can learn how to start a journal, how to be gaming and at the same time productive, and much more. 

Magnetic Memory Method

The Magnetic Memory Method is an effective and fun memory technique helping people to store and retrieve any kind of knowledge.

The founder of the site, Anthony Metivier is also the author behind a dozen bestselling books on the topic of memory and language learning.

Hints and Things

June Jackson decided to create Hints and Things in 2000 to provide some of the information that used to be passed down from generation to generation in her family.

The website covers tips on a variety of subjects such as basic cooking, knitting, sewing, and many others.

Digital Skills

This category includes blogs that help individuals and companies to improve in the digital world. These blogs provide tools, tips, and tutorials to help others to maximize their power of digital marketing and social media.

Daily Blog Tips

Daniel Scocco founded Daily Blog Tips in 2006 to share the tips and tricks he has been learning on this way of being a passionate entrepreneur and programmer. Daily Blog Tips is only one of his many websites and blogs where he gives his professional advice on the digital skills. Nowadays, he tries to reach his clients through setting up a physical store and help people face-to-face.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“I must admit that my goal isn't to inspire others. My goal is to work on projects I find interesting and exciting, and to do the best I can on those. If as a result of that I end up inspiring some people, well, it probably means I am doing something right, and it certainly gives me more energy to keep going!”

Andrea Vahl

Andrea’s blog aims to help small businesses understand and leverage the power of social media. Andrea is the co-author of Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies and she knows how to make social media marketing easy to understand. She has also created a funny character Grandma Mary to help out people to get more insights on social media marketing in a funny way. As a successful and well-known speaker, she has been invited to speak at many events.

What motivates you to inspire others?
“My motivation for inspiring others is to help change a life and the life of their family for the better. I work with a lot of small businesses and I love the time we are in right now where anyone can easily start a business and go after their dreams.

I'm also motivated by the idea that a business can be on your terms. You can work when you want and where you want and work with clients you love. The ability to design a life that fits with our values and focuses on our strengths has never been easier.

Quick Sprout

When Neil Patel was a child, he was surrounded by entrepreneurship-oriented people in his family, which is what led him to develop a great passion for entrepreneurship. He believes that success is hidden in working on projects one is happy and passionate about.

Along his journey, he has established companies, and not long after, turned his entrepreneurship into a billionaire business.


Chris Spooner is the man behind the creation of Spoon Graphics. With his tutorials, freebies and articles, he strives to help people create great content. Every week, he shares great tips and inspirations with a support of interesting design.

What motivates you inspire others?
“I owe many of the skills I learned early in my design career to the generous people who shared their tips and techniques via tutorials. This motivated me to share the things I knew in order to help others in turn, which is the reason I started my Spoon Graphics blog in 2007.

It's a great feeling to know you're helping people out every day, especially when you receive lovely comments from students who have used my tutorials to get through their courses, and freelancers who benefited from my free resources in their projects.” 



Rand and his mother Gillian created Moz in 2004. Since then, MOZ has put in enormous effort and accomplished a lot, from bringing us a complex package of SEO tools and the MOZ analytics website.

The blog section provides guidelines on how to improve websites and do better in search. Additionally, they provide recommendations on content marketing.

Blog Tyrant

One of the interesting facts about this blog is that it had been running anonymously for two years. It has all come to an end when Ramsay (the creator behind) was invited to write a blog post for ViperChill.

He advises on how to start a blog, what to be aware of and how to double up signups.

Pam Moore

Pam is the CEO & Founder of Marketing Nutz, a full service social media training and consulting. In the blog section, she gives tips on content marketing, social media building, branding, and much more.

What motivates you to inspire others?

“I love paying it forward and simplifying what others make complicated. I had many people in my career who mentored me and took me under their wing. They taught me about business, technology data centers, marketing and most importantly, life. I love being able to do the same and be the wind beneath the wings of others, providing them the knowledge they need to succeed in both life and business.” 


Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah are the founders of HubSpot. HubSpot is a marketing platform joining marketing and sales together and helping companies to gain more customers. They try to help people to transform their dreams into a reality.

The blog is divided in two main sections: marketing and sales. Marketing section covers topics such as advertising, branding, mobile marketing, PPC, SEO, social media and many others. Sales blog provides articles on CRM, networking, sales strategy and others.

Return On Digital

Return On Digital was established in 2008 and it is an online marketing agency helping companies to grow and expand their investment.

They offer free consultations to clients who want to maximise their return on investment in digital. They provide marketing tips in their blogs, webinars, ebooks, and templates.

Church Marg

Church Mag was founded in 2008 as a community of people who are trying to help churches and non-profit organisations to use technology in more effective way. In that way they help them to deliver their mission to the world.

In their blog section, you can find practical tips on how to write better, how to be more effective in social thinking and many more.


AmpliFound was created to give bloggers essential knowledge and useful training. The team behind AmpliFound specializes in online marketing and wants to help bloggers to become more visible.

In the blog section, they provide tips on SEO, social media, content writing, tech tips, case studies and much more. AmpliFound is a useful toolkit for passionate bloggers who want to create quality content and come to notice.

Amy Porterfield

Amy started to write her blog after she realised she wanted to own her own business, whilst being able to work from home where she could seize the huge potential of Internet.

Nowadays, she gives useful tips on social media use and how to squeeze the most out of it, how to create a successful Facebook campaign, why it is important to clean your inbox ,and much more.

Melyssa Griffin

Melyssa always dreamed about empowering people and launched the website in 2013. With her passion for helping others to achieve their dreams, the website grew rapidly.

She gives useful tips to entrepreneurs on how to grow traffic, how to turn your blog into your business; other tips are about social media and everything related.

SEO Andy

Andy Kinsey has been running this digital marketing company for 8 years. ‘SEO Andy is a digital marketing resource for website owners, business owners and those wanting to grow their business.’

On his blog, he provides his readers with tips on business & brand marketing, social media, and content strategy.

Andy provides us with details on what we should avoid doing online, how to kick-start our campaign or whether to focus on either keywords or topics. 

The 60 Second Marketer

The 60 Second Marketer was founded by Jamie Turner. It is an online community that has done their own research and created a guideline with the best tools on social, digital, and mobile marketing campaigns.

They share tips on how to increase the impact of campaigns and how to lower the cost.

Boom Social

Boom Social is a professional social media marketing company where both individuals and companies can look for free advice and tips on traffic, content, engagement, and conversion.

In their blog section, you can find suggestions about social media and content marketing.

Marketing Signals

Marketing Signals was created in 2006 to assist other businesses to create a new website or establish successful marketing strategy. The company is working with well-known big companies around the world.

Together with companies, they try to create the best result driven marketing campaign to gain market share. In their blog section, they cover different topics from SEO, content marketing, links, web design to branding.

Sean Clark

Sean established the company in 2012 to help other businesses to grow on the Internet.

The team of professionals helps newly established online companies to become better in marketing and social media. In their blog section, they provide the reader with the insights and expertise gained from years of experience in social media.


Copy Press was established in 2009. They provide help with content marketing and campaigns. They built a community where people can create their own portfolio, connect with other professionals, and improve their skills.

Their blog section covers topics on content creation, conversation, and how to grow the audience. One of the interesting resources for content information is the webinar they organise.


Steak was founded in 2005. The company focuses on understanding consumer behaviour and how to use this insight to deliver high quality strategies across all digital channels.

Their blog section covers topics such as SEO, PPC, social media, and privacy and cookies. They provide updated information on Google rankings, Panda, Penguin, and much more.

And That's All For This Year!

Thanks to all the blogs, websites and online magazines that participated in the awards. To go through all your inspirational thoughts and ideas has been a wonderful and enriching experience.

If we happened to forget including any vital self-improvement blog or if you have questions about the awards, do not hesitate to contact us.

To be inspired is great