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Last updated: 3 August 2021

6 Ways to Boost Your Career Potential

Boost Your Career Potential to Achieve Success

You are probably employed in a job where you think you are doing just fine and feel comfortably stuck in a routine. It is very important to note however, that a career or career path consist of all your travels from your education until retirement. Between these points, you encounter non-linear patterns which might be difficult to predict, e.g. an evolution in your job description at your current workplace.

A professional career is not a sprint but a marathon, it doesn't travel in a linear path, it is more of a stepping stone which should increase your value and set you up for bigger challenges. Working professionals too often get carried away and fail to broaden their knowledge and adjust to emerging trends.

This infographic by Market Inspector aims to capture these 6 ways to boost your career potential, it also reflects common mistakes people make during their career journey. Avoiding these mistakes and practising the 6 ways will prepare you for the different stages throughout your career development and help you immensely on your way to success.

Boost Your Career Potential

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Career Development Should be a Priority

Whether you have just graduated or you are currently employed at a job, it is of great importance to know that the direction of your career might evolve over time. This might mean that you need to explore, gain more knowledge and accreditation in the field you are already in, or that you might pursue an entirely new interest. Regardless of where you find yourself now, as a professional it is advisable to be on your game and stay relevant. You should especially take these 6 ways of boosting your career potential seriously.

Boost Your career potential - The Six (6) Ways

Make a career plan - Setting a goal drives you and pushes you beyond your comfort zone, this is especially beneficial if you are looking to boost your resume, grow into a position in your job, or achieve a milestone at a set time. It is vital to keep a to-do list, this can help you avoid procrastination and it will serve you well.

Find a mentor - The benefits of having a mentor (at work or outside) is priceless, especially if you are just looking to establish yourself in a new job or still searching for your dream job. You are able to avoid common mistakes and get guidance and tutoring for performing your job better.

Think like an entrepreneur - As you begin to climb through the ranks in your career, it will become quickly clear that your existing skill set will not take you to the very top. You will need to explore, acquire skills in other verticals and test yourself as you progress. Your career is not just a job, it is a learning opportunity towards your desired goal.

Continuous learning - The fact that you update your resume, through online courses or certification prepares you for the future and boost your career potential. You also increase your value as the years go by.

Network regularly - Maintaining an up-to-date profile on LinkedIn and other social media platforms enhances your prospects of switching your job or career quickly if you choose to do so. More than 70% of job offers are never advertised, they are filled through personal connections, recruiters and headhunting.

Attend career fairs - They are a great way to meet other professionals in person, you get the chance to improve your social life and get direct links to possible job openings, expert advice and counselling.