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Last updated: 3 August 2021

The Work Habits of Millennials

Workplace habits evolve with each new generation, and millennials are no different. Millennials belong to the generation born between the year 1982 and 2004. Managers have to come up with a different set of strategies to retain millennial employees and to keep them motivated.

Millennial employees are very flexible and suitable to sustain the daily pressures of the modern workplace. Although there are many myths surrounding Millennials in a negative way, they are also known to be the most adaptable and ambitious generation. They are multitaskers. In fact, 35% of Millennials across the globe have started their own business beside their primary employment to earn additional income.

The younger Millennials join the workplace with the main motive of earning money rather than developing a career path. Millennials are motivated more by work flexibility than the lofty promise of a promotion in the future. They like to get work done without necessarily having to be at the workplace. Millennials seek a better work-life balance than their parents, and prefer having remote working flexibility. They perceive work as a task to do rather than a place to go to. They don’t think that a 9-5 workday is necessarily normal, and some would prefer to work overnight if need be. Therefore, management is often creating strategies to creatively engage Millennial employees and understanding their working habits.

Market Inspector has created a video that describes the work habits of Millennials and the workplace factors that are most important to the Millennial generation.

The Work Habits of Millennials

Video by Market Inspector

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