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Last updated: 2 November 2022

Tomtom Fleet

About Tomtom

A subdivision of Tomtom, Tomtom Telematics is a unit focused on telematics and can be considered as one of the leaders in telematics solutions. Its solutions are used worldwide from small to large companies. 

TomTom Logo

Besides vehicle tracking, vehicle telematics and car services, Tomtom also offers services for insurance, leasing and rental companies. Tomtom has won several awards, such as GreenFleet IT Innovation Award, German Telematic Award, BusinessCar Telematics Techies Award, Fleet Software of the Year and many more prices.

Tomtom Products


Tomtom offers a user-friendly online application, WEBFLEET, which can be accessed from any PC 24hs. This application offers a wide variety of reportings, such as productivity reporting, cost control reporting, service level reporting, eco reporting, safety reporting, compliance reporting and tachograph reporting. 

Besides the reports, Tomtom WEBFLEET offers also up-to-date maps, which can be crucial to fleet management, easy integration with your company’s software, connection with drivers and common features of fleet solutions such as vehicle tracking, monitoring of vehicles, tracking mileage and speed, working time and more. 

If you need to be mobile, Tomtom offers a WEBFLEET mobile application, which allows you to track vehicles, track routes, monitor traffic, dispatch orders, send messages and have an overview over your messages, get notifications. Besides these features, the application is available in more languages. 

Tomtom also offers WEBFLEET Logbook, an application, which can help with mileage tracking - saves time, easy to use and improves control of costs. This application cooperates with Tomtom fleet solution installed in the vehicles. WEBFLEET Tachograph Manager allows you to keep track of, to analyse and to archive the data from tachograph, which can facilitate cost cuttings, boost productivity and keep your data at a safe place. 

WEBFLEET Remaining Driving Times can calculate real-time information on remaining driving times - either on that day or for a week, but can also send you a notification whenever an unwanted behaviour is noticed. This can improve communication with customers as well as the service offered to customers.

Vehicle Tracking and its Devices

Tomtom fleet solution is a real-time solution, which can facilitate cost savings, improve your service offered to your customers, increase the safety of both drivers and vehicles and improve accountability. This solution is accessible non-stop, thanks to WEBFLEET and is ISO certified for data protection. 

This solution helps you track the given vehicle, gives you the access to the route taken―not only current position but also routes taken within 90 days, sends you a notification whenever an unwanted behaviour occurs, delivers a variety of reports and facilitates mileage tracking with above mentioned WEBFLEET Logbook. 

Besides software, Tomtom offers also hardware such as LINK 410, LINK 510, LINK 105 and other. LINK 410 allows you to monitor and analyse driver behaviour, monitor fuel spending, the time drivers spent with customers and on the road. LINK 410 can also help with administration task by improving efficiency and cut costs. Installation is easy, however, Tomtom offers also certified partners to help with installation and support if any problem occurs. 

LINK 510 can also help you with fuel monitoring, ensuring the safety of your fleet and drivers, improve customer service and overall productivity. Just like with LINK 410, LINK 510 is easy to install, however, certified partners of Tomtom are available for any help with installation. 

LINK 105 is a small device that helps with real-time fuel monitoring, monitoring of emissions, delivers the reports on technical issues such as engine problems and information on gear usage. LINK 105 works well with other LINK devices, such as LINK 410 and LINK 510.

Tomtom PRO

Tomtom PRO is a terminal for drivers, which provides navigation, traffic information to avoid traffic jams or any construction on the road, facilitates order management and reporting, enables messaging between drivers and management, provides better conditions for dispatching and helps you analyse the reports. This device helps you to save time, improve the service for customers, boost productivity and gives the opportunity to be able to react promptly to any issues. 

There are three types of Tomtom PRO: portable - suitable for leased and rented vehicles, vehicle centric - suitable for any fleet, and customisable type―suitable for service and transport fleets. 

Tomtom offers more hardware that might be suitable for your company. It is, therefore, the best to consider the needs of your company and then consult the official web page or contact Tomtom for more information.


If you wish to contact Tomtom Telematics, it is possible to do so on their official webpage through a form, through a reseller or there is the possibility of calling. Besides that, Tomtom can be found on social media such as Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.

Interested in Fleet Solutions?

Are you interested in purchasing new fleet solution? It is important to first consider the needs of your company before deciding for a fleet solution and a company.