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Last updated: 27 July 2021

Danes and Coffee – Trends and Prospects

Danes and coffee

Denmark is a predominately coffee drinking nation with a tradition, that led to the consumption of approximately 20 million of cups every day. The social spirit of coffee can be drawn from the activities that revolve around the consumption of coffee - Whether organised or spontaneous, coffee is usually served.

On the other hand, coffee breaks are an essential part of a Scandinavian’s workday, and you will have a hard time finding an office without a coffee machine. There is always time for a "kaffepause" if you get "kaffetørstig" (thirsty for coffee). In 2013 alone, Danes spent 2.5 billion DKK on coffee [tweet this] in retail stores.

There Is Room for Every Kind of Coffee

The market for coffee is highly polarised and the consumers are divided into two categories:

Therefore, both premium and economy coffee brands are performing well on the market.

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Capsules or Instant Coffee - What to Choose?

Coffee cup love

During the last few years, there has been a shift in consumption towards Italian style coffee like espresso and coffee pods. This has forced coffee machine suppliers to cater to the change in needs.

The booming sales of capsule machines for household use are pushing new products into the market. Global brands such as Merrild and Nescafe saw an increase in sales due to the introduction of their fresh coffee pods.

Even though, prices for these products are relatively higher than the price for normal coffee, quality remains a key consumer trend. Currently, a capsule of Nespresso can be purchased for 3-4 DKK each. Price depends on the selection of flavours, intensity and cup size.

Instant coffee is a growing category as well, as some Danes look for convenience and simple solutions when making this purchase. Time and speed of “the instant” are allowing consumers to quickly make their cup of coffee. Standard instant coffee seems to be the most popular. Solutions such as "three in one", "four in one" instant coffees are currently not available in Denmark’s retail stores.

Danes Crave Healthy Coffee

Organic and fair-trade labelling are a cornerstone for coffee producers. The increased demand for healthier and natural products is further shaping this market towards growth and innovation. Furthermore, the media in Denmark is supporting the beneficial consumption of certified label beverages. 

The health and wellness concerns are drawing attention to coffee drinking habits as well. Coffee is also consumed for therapeutic qualities, particularly anti-oxidant properties [tweet this]. The coffee-pod systems will gain even more popularity, as manufacturers are looking to launch reduced-sugar and “light” versions.

Coffee Is Great - With Cake!

Food and bites are served as complimentary products to coffee and producers are increasingly addressing this trend. Whether it is chocolate squares or almond biscuits, these products are specially made to enhance the flavour of coffee and provide consumers with a whole experience around it.