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Last updated: 29 July 2021

Best Blogs for Women in Business 2017

The Best Blogs for Women in Business by Market Inspector

These days there are hundreds upon thousands of blogs out there, covering just about everything you can think of. And business is no exception. They come in all formats about all subjects, from marketing to finance to entrepreneurship. But most of these blogs tend to be written by men.

This is why we have compiled a list of the best blogs for women in business. Blogs can be a great way to find a like-minded community. For a field that is still very masculine in some ways, it is great to be able to find some other ladies that are in similar positions.  

Of course that is not to say that blogs by men aren’t worth your time, they can be just as great! But sometimes women can offer some unique and interesting insights.

And without further ado, Market Inspector is proud to present the best blogs for women in business. The blogs fall under one of the following categories: Business AdviceEntrepreneurs, Career AdviceLeadershipMarketing, Finance, and Lifestyle

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Best Blogs for Women in Business 2017

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And do not forget that if you are searching for business loans for women you are in the right place

5 Business Advice Blogs
Women on Business

Women on Business was founded back in 2007 by Susan Gunelius, who has over 20 years of experience in the marketing field. They strive to increase the discussion between the male and female business thought leaders. On the site, you can find all the news and information you might need to become a successful woman in business.

The most valuable piece of advice that I can give to women in business is to get out of your own way. Don't let fear, a lack of confidence, or humility get in your way. Instead, own your intelligence and your ambition. 

- Susan Gunelius -   

Girl's Guide to PM

A girl’s guide to project management was created by Elizabeth Harrin when she realised that PM was a subject matter few women were writing or talking about. From her own experience, she knew there were plenty of talented women working in the field, and she wanted to add a female perspective to the subject. Her blog offers everything one might need when it comes to PM, from inspiring interviews to practical guides and tools.  

‘’ Assume you’ve got permission until told otherwise. Own it. Don’t wait to be given the authority if it’s within your gift to take it. This is my way of phrasing that old saying, ask for forgiveness, not permission, I suppose. You can get away with taking the lead a lot - and you should, if you want to get on. If you have any concerns, you can always talk to your customers and manager to set some boundaries for your actions before you get going, but generally, just get on with it and then report your successes!”

- Elizabeth Harrin -

Joanne Dewberry

Joanne created her first business back in 2008 and she hasn’t slowed down since. She helped create a large network for working mums and she has even written a best-selling book. Now she focuses on working on her blog to give advice to, and support her fellow working mums. On her blog, you can find advice and tips for not only mums but anyone wanting to know more about small businesses. 

‘’ Go for it. What is seriously the worst thing that could happen?

In most cases, it's not something that can't be easily rectified (I might have ended up with a load of party stock, there's plenty of places I can sell it on ... eBay, car boots etc.)  You just chalk it up to a learning curve and move on. ‘’

- Joanne Dewberry -

Women in ECommerce

Women in Ecommerce is a great international network that supports and assists women all over the world. They are always on the lookout for the latest trends in Ecommerce and social media, making it perfect for anyone in the field. They celebrate women’s achievements and help women take their place in the world of Ecommerce. On their blog, you can find everything you need to know about Ecommerce and more. 

"Understand that it's okay to ask for help. Find a Mentor. A mentor will help you build your confidence. I believe the number one reason women fail in business is not having the confidence to move forward; the antidote for lack of confidence is action.   A mentor will hold your feet to the fire. To help you stay accountable. To inspire you to take action.  With the right help you will achieve your goals."  

 - Heidi Richards Mooney, Founder - Women in Ecommerce™ -

Women 2.0

Founded back in 2006, women 2.0  wanted to make an impact on gender equality in the tech world. It is now the leading media brand for women in tech. where there is still a big gender gap in this field, they focus on closing it. Their blog features everything from all sides of the pipeline, hiring, investing, founding and leading. Their articles feature many inspiring stories and news articles for and about women in the tech field. 

Fact: Women 2.0 was founded in April 2006 with the vision of making an impact on gender equality in the tech world. With 30% of tech workers being women, 10% female founders, 10% female investors, 24% women sourced in the news, something had to change.

5 Entrepreneur blogs
The Suitcase Entrepreneur

Natalie Sisson, the self-proclaimed suitcase entrepreneur is obsessed with freedom. She has travelled all over the world and lived out of her suitcase for 6 years. She advocates creating a business that supports your desired lifestyle. And she aims to help more than 1 million entrepreneurs create true freedom in life by 2020. Her blog is perfect for those who want to learn more about running their business, while still maintaining their freedom. 

“My best piece of advice: Don't forget to factor in fun time. We're so busy creating our thriving businesses, and multi-tasking that we often forget to step back and celebrate all we've achieved, and take time out to congratulate ourselves, even on the smallest of wins”

- Natalie Sisson -

The Work at Home Woman

The Work at Home Woman is an award-winning website that advocates telecommuting and home-based businesses, that empowers women to balance life on their own terms. The content is not only motivational, but it provides straightforward and actionable steps that can be put into practice. If you are looking to work from home, this is the blog for you. 

“If you've ever thought about starting a business, GO FOR IT! With advances in technology, the costs of starting an online business have never been more affordable, and the types of businesses you can launch are endless. Also, being an entrepreneur doesn't require a college degree or specific skill set. If you're able to hustle, be persistent, and tap into your passion -- you can be successful”  

- Holly Reisem Hanna, Founder of the Work at Home Woman -

Dana Manciagli

Dana Manciagli is a multi-talented woman who has worked as a corporate executive for over 30 years. All of her experiences now serves her as she works as an author, blogger, speaker, career coach and global career expert. She shares her wisdom on her blog which contains great advice. Not only for women working in the corporate world, but also for entrepreneurs. 

“When it comes to your career goals, W-A-I-T should be your least favorite 4-letter word. Learn how to reach them NOW”

- Dana Manciagli - 

Cata Costa

Cate Costa is an expert when it comes to entrepreneurs. She has owned small businesses, worked for and with them, and worked as a consultant. She can tell you everything about entrepreneurs from both sides of the table, and now uses all of her knowledge to help out new business owners. Her blog features advice, tips and recommendations for entrepreneurs and established business owners alike. 

"No matter who you are or what you do, you have the same job: to make your boss' life easier and to make him/her look good. If you can do those two things, you'll stand out as a top performer and you'll know what it takes to advance in your career because you have to understand all of the demands on your boss in order to accomplish those two things. If you're an entrepreneur, your clients are your bosses and the same principle applies."

- Cate Costa - 

Women Entrepreneurs Grow Global

Women Entrepreneurs Grow Global was created in 2008, with the purpose of helping business women go global. They now operate as a non-profit organisation, and their mission is to educate women business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide on how to go global so they can run healthier businesses and create a new future for themselves, their families and their community. Their blog covers all sorts of topics, such as news, business advice, and inspiring stories from women all over the world.

"Don't wait to go global!  Step out of your comfort zone and conduct business with the world.  Stuck?  WEGG will get you unstuck!"

- Laurel Delaney, President of WEGG - 

5 Career Advice Blogs
Classy Career Girl

Anna Runyan started the Classy career girl network when she realised she was stuck in her career, and it has grown into something much bigger. Today CCG helps ambitious women achieve their true potential. They don’t just focus on business, they aim to change lives for the better, and make dreams come true. As they say themselves, when women support other women, incredible things happen. And Anna’s success shows just how true that is. 

“It is all about baby steps and imperfect action. This is the key. Just focus on the first step in front of you right now and don’t get overwhelmed.”

- Anna Runyan -

When I Grow Up

After figuring out that her childhood dream job was not all it was cracked up to be, Michelle Hard became a serial career changer. 4 years and 7 jobs later, she finally found her calling as a creative career coach. Now she helps others find their dream job. On her blog you can find advice, interviews, and her own experiences.    

"Time + Experience = Trust & Confidence. There's no shortcut to this. Keep showing up, day in and day out, for your clients and yourself. One day you're going to realize that you do know what you're doing, that you do have clarity with how you talk about your business, that you do offer valuable results for those who hire you. Baby steps build the strongest foundation."

- Michelle Ward - 

The Way Women Work

The Way Women Work was founded in 2010 by Rania Habiby Anderson, who is originally from the Middle East. She realised that there is little culturally relevant advice for women working outside of the western world, and wanted to do something about it.She also recently published a book about the same subject. The blog offers both inspiration and advice for women working all over the world. There you can find everything from expert advice to encouraging personal stories. 

"Pursue opportunities and ideas that address unmet or unrecognized needs. Go where others are not."

 - Rania Habiby Anderson - 

Tami Cannizzaro

Tami’s story shows that getting fired really isn’t the end of the world and that it can even be an opportunity. After starting out as an engineer, she found her passion a professional career coach. She now helps other find their dream jobs. If you ever need advice about changing careers or if you are looking for a new job, look no further than her blog. She can tell you everything might want to know.

“Own your achievements and never be afraid to "toot your own horn". If you don't do it, no one else will do it for you”

- Tami Cannizzaro - 

Career Woman Inc.

Career Woman Inc. was founded by Lisa Quast, a multi-talented career coach, writer and mentor among other things. With career women inc. she aspires to help the advancement of women in business and further the achievements of women’s personal and professional aspirations. The blog features great advice and tips for those looking to become more successful in their career.

Fact: Lisa is a certified executive coach and has a top-rated female-focused career blog, winner of the 2012 and 2010 Stevie Awards for “Blog of the Year.” Lisa is also the award-winning non-fiction author of the books, “Your Career, Your Way!” and “Secrets of a Hiring Manager Turned Career Coach.”  

5 Leadership Blogs
Leaders in Heels

Leaders in Heels was founded by Kasia Gospos, in order to nurture, inspire and empower female leaders and entrepreneurs.  It has grown into a great community of hardworking and successful women. Leaders in heels strives to make life easier in a world that is always on the move. They offer everything from tools and resources to interviews.

“We created LEADERS IN HEELS to nurture, inspire and empower women. There is nothing humble about our vision – we want to see every single woman in the world become a leader. We believe that when a woman takes steps towards becoming a leader of her own life she chooses the path that is best for her – whether it’s entrepreneurship, corporate life, or something completely different. And when she follows her calling her contribution becomes invaluable to the world."

- Kasia Gospos, Founder of Leaders in Heels - 

Take it Personally

This workplace related blog was created by Chantal Bechervaise, to share her passion with her readers. She is passionate about many things, including Human Resources, Workplace Culture, Engagement, Leadership, and Social Media. And it shows on her blog, which covers all of these subjects if not more. She is very active on social media and you can also find her writing on ‘’the online mom’’.

“My advice to women working in business or who are interested is to never give up! Keep working towards your goals and don't stop learning. Look for opportunities to learn from other women who are successful or whom you admire. Learn how they got to where they are, what they had to overcome, and how they did it. Don't be shy to ask them either.  And also look for opportunities to help others as well.”

- Chantal Bechervaise - 

Lolly Daskal

Lolly Daskal is one of the most sought after individuals in the world of leadership coaching. She has years of experience across 14 countries and hundreds of companies. She also founded the ‘’Lead from Within’’ organisation and helps people make a difference in their companies. She was also named as “The most inspiring woman in the world” by the Huffington post. All in all, she is the ideal person to look to for advice when it comes to all things related to leadership.

“Most people are concerned about what to do, how to do it,  and where to do it. But if you truly want to succeed, it's "who you are” that is most important. Because what goes on the inside is just as important as what goes on the outside”

- Lolly Daskal -

Julie Winkle Giulioni

Julie Winkle Giulioni is an expert when it comes to improving through learning, which she has worked on for the past 25 years. She founded her own consulting company together with her husband which supports an impressive list of companies. She has had an impressive career and shares her knowledge through her book and site. On her blog she offers great advice any leader or manager should want to know. 

“Discover, cultivate and develop your unique talents, skills and gifts. Then, share them generously, authentically and unapologetically. In striving to bring the best of ourselves to our work, we inspire others to do the same.”

- Julie Winkle Giulioni - 

Random Acts of Leadership

Susan Mazza is a truly inspiring example of great leadership. She has worked as a leadership coach, change agent and motivational speaker, helping create a culture of leadership in organisations all over the world. She also actively supports the women business centre at the Florida Institute for technology.  Now she shares all of her experience and wisdom on her site. Her articles cover everything from inspiration to leading organisations.

“Be clear about what you want and believe you deserve it.  Whether you work for someone or have a business of your own, it is important to both your success and satisfaction that you are clear about your aspirations, as well as how you want your personal and business life to look.  I see far too many women accepting things as they are rather than living their life and work by their desires and design. You have earned your success so far.  Give yourself the freedom to pursue the future you really want for you!”

- Susan Mazza - 

5 Marketing Blogs
PR Couture

PR couture is the ultimate resource for those interested in the fields of lifestyle and fashion, and those with a passion for PR. The site strives to educate, inspire, and celebrate the forward thinkers in the field. And while it is a bit of a niche subject, many of the posts also apply to businesses outside of the fashion industry, making it a great read for those interested In PR.

"Success looks different for all of us. Resist the urge to be swayed by what you think having a successful business looks like and define that for yourself (and redefine as you go)."

- Crosby Noricks, Founder and director at PR couture - 


Naomi Dunford is a marketing and growth coach, and an expert when it comes to small business marketing. She believes that the key to a great marketing strategy is the right mindset. And considering her success, we are more than willing to take her word for it. On her blog you can find all the advice a small business could possibly need to get ahead in marketing, and many interesting things about her personal experiences.  

Naomi's belief: Better mindset + better marketing = Magic

The Marketing Eggspert

The Marketing Eggspert blog was created by Susan Payton back in 2006 when she wanted to help out entrepreneurs figure out how to do their own marketing. She now runs the internet marketing and communication firm Egg Marketing & Communications, and assists small businesses with content marketing. The blog features everything related to digital marketing, from social media to content marketing, making it a perfect resource for those interested in internet marketing.

“Never be afraid to ask for what you want. As women, we tend to devalue our services and abilities. But I've found in over 10 years of running my company that when you ask for what you want, you very often get it!”

 - Susan Payton -

The Yes Supply Collective

The yes Supply Collective was created by Reese Evans when she saw so many great women around her settling for less than they should. Through yes supply co. she helps out many creative women with their blogs, businesses, and life in general.  On the blog you can find great ideas for creative marketing, social media, branding and much more.

"keep your eyes on exactly what you want, and dedicate time to making it a reality every single day. When I was working in a 9-5 job, trying to get yes supply off of the ground, I didn't have many resources, or much time. I decided that creating my dream life was a priority and I made sure I dedicated time to making my dream a reality.

When you create that kind of dedication and focus in your life, anything is possible"

- Reese Evans -

The Voice Bureau

Katie and Abby are the wonderful duo behind The Voice Bureau. Both are incredibly creative and talented and they now use their combined force to help businesses create great, relatable brands. Their skills lie in their ability to create something tangible out of all the ideas and thoughts of businesses. The blog features many articles that are both practical and inspirational, that are perfect if you want to know more about branding.

Their belief: Your brand voice — embodied in your web copy, your social media content, even your visuals — carries that certain something that’s hard to name, hard to define, and impossible to duplicate.

5 Finance Blogs
The Daily Worth

This site was founded by Amanda Steinberg, due to her trouble with building up her own net worth.The Daily Worth describes itself as every “woman’s guide to money, career, and business” and it certainly lives up to that promise. They want women to look at money as a tool of freedom and empowerment rather than a source of anxiety and stress. They look at money from all angles and provide clear and realistic advice.

"It’s time that we leave the old financial stereotypes behind for good. Women are invaluable to today’s workplace, and we want to help you earn your full potential, whether it’s in a job, or running your own business." 

Energise Wealth

Energise wealth was created by Barbara Turley, an investor and wealth strategist whose one passion is money. After working in the financial field for years she realised that it is very much a man’s world and she wanted to do something about that. Her goal is to take the traditionally masculine field of finance and make it the ultimate feminine tool. The blog features articles about everything related to money and finance, making it the perfect tool for any woman looking to learn more about it. 

"Being truly wealthy means designing a life that energises you, a life that lights you up and makes your heart sing."

Careful Cents

The force behind the careful cents community is Carrie Smith Nicholson. She firmly believes that anyone is capable of making money doing what they love, without having to sell their soul. Of course, she knows it isn’t easy, she encountered enough problems when starting out on her own. And that is why she wants to help her fellow aspiring freelancers create a viable business. She does this by handing out great advice on her blog about everything from taxes to bookkeeping.

"I believe freelancers can start and grow a life-centered business through financial organization and business systems."

- Carrie Smith Nicholson - 

Savvy Ladies

Savvy ladies has one very clear mission, and that is to educate women about finance. They believe all women should be able to make their own financial decisions. As a non-profit organisation, they can offer many fantastic services at no charge, making it a great accessible resource. The blog covers everything to do with personal finance such as investing, saving and spending money.

Fact: Through its unique programming, the organisation has helped over 10,000 women across the spectrum of ages, life experience, and income levels identify their goals, make proactive choices about their finances, and lead richer, more rewarding lives. 

The Eventual Millionaire

Jaime Masters, the self-described ‘’eventual millionaire’’ always dreamed of being rich. But when she got stuck in an unfulfilling job, she decided there was more to life that just money. By now she has interviewed over 350 millionaires and billionaires and worked with numerous 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs. On her blog, you can find great advice from all kinds of experts, about all subjects including but not limited to finance. 

Fact: Jaime made her exit from the corporate world after finding herself $70,000 in debt and realising that she hated her job. With an ambitious goal and a strategic plan, she was out of the debt and the job she hated in just 16 months. 

5 Lifestyle blogs
Camilla Kristiansen

Camilla Kristiansen felt she could get more out of life that the usual 9 to 5 job and decided to take a chance. She quit her job and followed her dream of getting into fashion, and it paid off. Today she has travelled the world and has written 30 inspirational books. On her blog she shares her passion and wisdom with her many followers that wish to follow in her footsteps.

“Just start! Don't overthink anything. It doesn't have to be perfect. Never give up on your dreams and always stay true to your message.”

- Camilla Kristiansen -

Rachel Gadiel

After working in the corporate world for a decade, Rachel decided she wanted to start her own business, something she believed she was always meant to do. She describes herself as being multi-passionate and uses this to redefine success by her own terms. She is also starting a podcast this year, where she discusses all aspects of business with other successful women. On her blog you can find a lot of great advice to both improve your business and your life.

“Be clear on your vision and keep going no matter what obstacles you face. The road to running your own successful business is not easy and the path is not always clear. But, having complete clarity on your goals from the outset and what you want to achieve; keeping yourself in a mindset positive and learning from mentors as you go will turn it into a fun and enjoyable experience and help you to grow, learn and expand on your journey. Also, be sure to surround yourself with like-minded people. Some people may not understand why you are going down this path and you need to be ok with that - surrounding yourself with people who 'get you' and why you're on this journey 's essential.”

- Rachel Gadiel -

Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo is the force behind a large socially conscious digital empire. She started with little more than a laptop and dream, and she now has an audience of millions. She has touched millions of lives through her own TV show, online training programs and her book. On her blog she interviews many inspirational figures that will motivate and inspire anyone.   

Fact: Marie coined the term ‘’Multi-passionate Entrepreneur” because she never fitted in a conventional box.

(photo credit: Eric Michael Pearson)

Chic CEO

The Chic CEO is as the describe, for stylish elegant women, that are also business badasses. They provide all the resources women may need if they have a great idea, but are unsure how to implement it, or are afraid to go for it. On their blog you will find advice and experiences from other women, as well as great motivational articles.  

"The advice I would give to women starting a business would be to automate as much as you can. When you are working on repetitive tasks for most of your day, you are wasting precious time. If you find that you are doing anything over and over - find out how to automate it."

-  Stephanie burn, founder of Chic CEO  - 

The Every Girl

The Everygirl may well be the ultimate resource if you are looking for inspiration. It is perfect for every woman looking to experience her life in a better way, and that wants to become the woman she always wanted to. The blog covers just about everything, from career advice to recipes and interior design. All in all, there is something for everybody.

"You can have everything you want in life but you can't and shouldn't have to do it all. Learn to delegate, ask for help, and give yourself a break when you need it."

- Danielle Mos, Cofounder of the everygirl - 

And that concludes this year's list! A big thank you to all the fantastic blogs that participated with this year's award. If you think we missed any blogs that deserve some special attention, or if you have any questions and comments, please let us know. 

Best Blogs for Women in Business 2017 Dark

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