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Last updated: 29 July 2021

Best Small Business Blogs 2017

Top Blogs for Business Owners by Market Inspector

In the UK small businesses account for 99,3% of the private economy and over 50% of the working population in the US works in a small business.

Turns out, small businesses are not that small after all. And their number is growing. Last year, the Telegraph reported that 80 new companies are being born every hour in the UK. The statistics are not surprising considering how information sharing technologies have revolutionised the business sector.

Marketing a business for example has become a lot more affordable. No need for an expensive ad agency anymore, if you can share your story and engage consumers from the privacy of your Facebook and Instagram account.

Today, you can easily access all the information you need to start your own blog, provided you know where to look for it. Small business blogs have become founts of useful knowledge and practical advice. With most of them being run by successful business professionals and business owners, the insights they offer should not be underestimated.

We, at Market Inspector have drawn a lot of inspiration from small business blogs over the years. In order to show our appreciation to our favourite bloggers we are giving out the Market Inspector Best Small Business Blog Award in five categories:

Take a look at the list of the winners below and hopefully they will inspire you as much they inspired us. We have worked hard to collect an array of different useful resources that you can use at all stages of running a small business: whether you are still looking into funding options for your small business, or seeking tips to manage your team effectively.

The featured blogs are more than welcome to use the code below to place the badge on their website.

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10 Advice Blogs
Brighter Business

Brighter Business is an online information hub for small business owners. Visually appealing, the blog contains a vast amount of articles covering key business topics. Searching for ways how to do your invoicing? Need some inspiration to become a better salesperson? Brighter business offers useful guides for whatever a small business owner needs. It provides useful insights and is always a worth a read.

Tip: "Before you make any plans or spend a single penny, decide what your measure of success will be – your, ‘We did it!’ moment. It’s easy to carry on doing business based on gut decisions or peer pressure, without thought for long-term direction. Deciding your end goal will help to focus your efforts, and makes the success more tangible and enjoyable when you get there."

-Sarah Musgrove

Location Rebel

Sean from Location Rebel does something we all dream about once in awhile - he works and travels. Let's admit it - we all envy him a bit. But this does not necessarily mean that you should drop everything and move to Thailand. It is however good to know that there are possibilites for combining business and pleasure. Location Rebel is the perfect place on the internet for those who want to start their own business and do not know how. Big plus for being extremely inspirational.

Quote: “I started a little website called Location 180 to hold myself accountable for the changes I wanted to make in my life. Less than 9 months later I’d left my job, sold my car, and moved to Thailand to have the adventure I’d been dreaming about. I unknowingly stumbled across a three step process for building a lifestyle business, that I’ve now taught thousands of other people over the last few years. This site is the culmination of that journey.” 

New Perspectives

New Perspective’s content is directed towards small business owners who are not afraid to get outside their comfort zones. Roland Hanekroot came to business coaching via Journalism, carpentry, IT, and after creating two successful businesses in the building industry. Working and traveling across the globe, Roland acquired his own outlook on doing business which is greatly summarised below:

Tip: "Owning a Small Business should first and foremost be Fun. Making Fun the key measure of success in your business, your Key Performance Indicator (KPI), will change the way you think about your business and the way you run it, because when your Business is Fun, it means everything is working the way you want it to work"

-  Roland Hanekroot 

Barbara Weltman

What characterises Barbara Weltman is her wide range of expertise. Being a tax and business attorney, she specializes in helping small businesses get ahead. Barbara’s blog content varies between legal aspects, finance and tax. Wondering which legal fees are deductible? Look no further. Barbara is an acknowledged author and one of the top small business influencers. It is worth checking what she has to share with her readers.

Tip: “Numbers matter, so keep track of everything—your income, expenses, and customer information—to know whether you’re profitable, prepare your tax return, and grow your business.” 

- Barbara Weltman 


Staying updated with the industry news and small business trends is essential for managing your company and making informed decisions. Noobpreneur started out as a personal blog and eventually evolved into a multi-authored blog. That variety of perspectives is reflected in the choices you get on Noobpreneur - articles on marketing, strategy, management and technology, tips and reviews, and a section with tools, where you can find recommendations for applications for small businesses.

Tip: “Train your employees to smile. Seriously. I'm always surprised how some small business employees - even the owners - are so cold when servicing customers.  While smiling isn't exactly related to product or service quality, it adds 'intangible' values that can influence customers' buying decision - especially when you're in retail, F&B and service sectors.”

- Ivan Widjaya

Susan Baroncini - Moe is another entrepreneurial rock star who as a business leader and executive coach guides start-ups, business owners and entrepreneurs on their journeys. If you are struggling with finding or evaluating business ideas, Susan can help you out. She also believes that “any entrepreneur can create a successful, profitable, enjoyable business in whatever style suits him or her the best.”

Business in Blue Jeans

Tip: “Every time I'm asked for my top tip or single piece of advice to business owners, from a business standpoint I'd say the most important thing is to know your customers and clients inside out. Know what makes them tick and what keeps them up at night. Know what their needs are and how you can meet them. And knowing your target market is indeed important.

However, it's equally important for business owners to take care of themselves, and that's something that gets missed a lot. When you own the business, you wear a lot of hats and have a lot of responsibilities. And we often forget to look after our health and well-being. Taking care of your physical health is critical because you need energy to keep up with ever-evolving markets, but taking care of your mental health is also crucial, because if you're not working through your "brain junk" and staying on top of fears and inner demons, you'll be much more likely to make mistakes and bad decisions that can cost you in the long run.

So my top tip to business owners? Make sure your business is functioning well, but make sure you are functioning well, too.”

- Susan Baroncini - Moe 

Succeed as Your Own Boss

Who would not like to be their own boss? The successful story of Melinda F. Emerson will show you that it is actually possible to accomplish in 12 months. Very inspirational and encouraging, the blog will provide you with tips on how to start, how to grow and how to manage your business.

Fact: “Melinda F. Emerson, known as SmallBizLady, is America’s #1 Small Business Expert. She has been a thriving entrepreneur for nearly 15 years and is an internationally known keynote speaker. Melinda’s small business advice is widely read reaching more than 3 million entrepreneurs each week on the internet.

Tweak Your Biz

Tweak Your Biz is a safe haven for those who search for information on sales, finance, technology, marketing or management. More importantly, it gives the entrepreneurs a chance to contribute by sharing their experiences and knowledge. You will love their trending section where any hot news on small businesses are published.

Tip: “Delegate, delegate, delegate! Don’t try to do everything yourself because you’ll probably take far longer or make mistakes whereas if you delegate it to someone who can do the job it will be done properly. This will also free up your time to do what you are good at.”

- Sian Phillips

The Small Business Boss

The content you find on The Small Business Boss is backed by knowledge and expertise of Brian Gregory. That small business tycoon has tips, tools and hacks to increase your profits. On the blog you may find those categorised into technology, business ideas, sales and marketing, and many more. Additionally, you can download a free e-book “Small Business To Do List”, which will help you with addressing the issue of maintaining proper work - life balance.

Quote: “As a Sole Trader or owner you have one huge advantage over the big boys. OK they have the staff and access to the finance to outdo you in many areas but you have speed. You can make changes overnight that a large business would take months to agree on, let alone implement. Whatever you, do don’t lose your edge. Maximise  it, take advantage of it and use it.” 

Evergreen Small Business

The blog posts you may find on Evergreen Small Business in general relate to things essential for running a small business. The founder of the website, Stephen L. Nelson has been a CPA for three decades, specialising in tax issues related to S Corporations, foreign tax issues, small business consulting, financial planning, and individuals with complex personal finances. Given the holistic approach of the author to blogging, each of us may find something relevant.

Fact: Steve’s received a lot of attention for his work over the years. He has been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal twice, most recently for the article about target retirement funds. Fortune Small Business has consulted Steve as an expert on tax issues related to LLCs, Imke Ratchko’s New York small business law blog has favorably reviewed his DIY Incorporation Kits, and  J.D. Meier solicited a guest post from Steve for his high-profile Sources of Insight blog, titled “The Five Small Business Success Formulas.”

10 Marketing Blogs

The MarketingProfs probably host one of the most vast collections of marketing related advice on the internet. They cover everything from consumer behaviour, segmentation, to branding, content creation and quantitative metrics.

Fact: "MarketingProfs' leadership also reflects the "Profs" union of professors and business professionals, bringing together experienced executives from publishing, technology, academia and (of course) marketing."

LYFE Marketing

Lyfe Marketing is a social media marketing agency that has been featured in sites like Entrepreneur and Adweek. In the blog section of their website you can find everything you ever wanted to know about social media: which channels you should use, how much is it going to cost you and how it will impact your website.

Tip: "Work smarter, not harder. The first 3 years of our business, we worked extremely hard, but in the wrong direction. It wasn't until we took a step back, and put our thinking caps on, were we able to effectively figure out our customers and how to sell to them."

- Sherman Standberry

Feldman Creative

If you yourself are thinking of adding a blog section to your website, Feldman Creative is a good place to start gathering ideas. Barry Feldman’s blog covers a variety of marketing topics - from branding, to copywriting. You can always expect top-notch content from Barry, who draws inspiration from his experience as a journalist, marketing consultant and creative director.

Quote: “I aim to achieve “persuativity,” meaning I merge the principles of persuasion with the less tangible, but no less important, element of creativity. An effective creative director takes the lead and ensures the execution of any type of marketing communications effort maps to its original objective.” 

Marketing Think

Gerry Moran has worked with many small businesses and a few not so small ones like SAP and IKEA. Now, he shares his experience with his readers on Marketing Think. If you are in need of some inspiration or actionable LinkedIn selling advice Gerry will provide you with the best tips straight from the marketing arena. The topics he covers on his blog include content marketing, social media and personal branding.

Quote: "My goal is to help connect the right customer with the right message on the right channel at the right time."

Drew's Marketing Minute

Another wizard in the marketing world is Drew McLellan. If you want to know more about branding in general or how to build a marketing plan, but find textbooks too boring, then Drew is your guy. His posts deliver pure marketing wisdom in bite sizes that is easy to process and implement.

Fact: "Drew McLellan’s a 25+ year marketing agency veteran who lives for creating “a-ha” moments for his clients, clients’ customers, peers and audiences across the land. Recently he has appeared in the New York Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, Business Week and Fortune’s Small Business. The Wall Street Journal calls him one of 10 bloggers that every entrepreneur should read.”

B2B Marketing Experiences

Tom De Baere is passionate about content marketing in the digital age and you can see that in his blog, where he follows industry trends and shares valuable insights from his own B2B marketing experience. Tom can also give you some book recommendations for you your marketing library.

Quote: "Unfortunately many marketing or sales departments see digital, content or social as being silo-responsibilities. I think digital, content and social is the responsibility of everyone within a company. That might sound difficult to do, but I know how to do that. I do that by assessing what needs to be changed, I help you to guide the organisation towards making it see how it can change, and help you execute that change to deliver clear business results."


The ThriveHive Team is on a mission to help small businesses grow with the help of digital marketing solutions. What you can expect from the blog are tips on mobile marketing, ways to use social media apps like Instagram for your business, as well as creating marketing plans and setting effective budgets.

Fact: "ThriveHive’s mission is to help small business owners realize their dreams by empowering them to grow their companies."

DIY Marketers

In a small business that is just starting out, budget is always tight. When looking for areas to save money on, marketing is usually the first to go. But if you don’t want to skimp on marketing, because it is imperative for creating brand awareness and consumer engagement, you can check out Ivana’s blog on how to do marketing on a budget. Ivana’s mission is to help small businesses choose the right marketing tools without spending a fortune.

Quote: “We believe that marketing is MORE about who you ARE rather than what you DO. It’s about discovering what sets you and your business apart from the rest, it’s about staking your claim, and proclaiming your commitment to your customers in a way that touches, moves and inspires them to choose YOU over any other alternative regardless of price.”

Strella Social Media

Do you already have a Facebook page for your business? What about a Twitter account? And do you actually need to be present on all platforms to be successful in our digital age? The best person to ask is Rachel from Strelllasocialmedia. Become a true social media wizz with her tips and tricks!

Fact: "Rachel’s relationship-driven philosophy is a company core value, revealed in the collaboration with her team and clientele to implement social media plans that deliver real results."


bMighty2 is dedicated to helping small businesses succeed online. Since 2011 they have been providing advice on using Wordpress, applying SEO and planning your website content effectively. The blog is complemented by a YouTube channel with educational short videos.

Quote: "Having an online presence for your small business is pretty much a requirement these days and there is no shortage of places looking to sell you something, from the bizzillion D.I.Y. options to your friend’s nephew, who has made it to the 5th hectare in World of WarCraft. All these options seem to miss the point. Your online presence should help you DO MORE BUSINESS and not break the bank."

10 Finance blogs
The Franchise King

Everything you always wanted to know about franchising you can find on Joel’s blog. Even if you are not planning on buying a franchise, we can still recommend TheFranchiseKing to anyone who is in need of inspiration and motivation to start their own business. And his monthly updates on franchise and small business news are sure to keep you well informed.

Tip: “Do not skimp on marketing. Spend money to get the word out.  Don’t only rely on free.”

- Joel Libava                                           

Mason Myers

A successful business owner and investor himself, Mason Myers is more than qualified to advise you on any business finance topics like private equity and business acquisitions. One of the must-read posts in our opinion is "9 Lessons Learned About Selling A Business".

Quote: “Uniqueness, competitive advantage, and strong models interest me more than financial engineering. Enjoy working with business owners and unique businesses.”


In a newly established small business venture, accounting can take up a lot of time that should be better spent on core business strategies. If you are struggling to keep up with IRS regulations and feel at a loss with your balance sheet, TaxBuzz is here to help. They post regular advice on all things accounting and will keep you updated on any changes in tax legislation.

Tip: "When you start a business you can find yourself overwhelmed with tasks you may not have much expertise with. What business entity should you pick? How do you set up your accounting system? What is your break-even point? Cash flow is the make or break of every business. So surrounding yourself with the best advisors can mean the difference between success or failure.”

- TaxBuzz Team

Healthy Business Finances

Besides providing accounting services, Healthy Business Finances also offer free advice on their blog. There, you can find tips on how to choose the right accounting system for your business and end your financial year in the black.

Quote: “We are passionate about numbers – and we are passionate about training, educating and helping you streamline the financial functions within your business.”

Business Credit Blogger

Marco Carbajo runs Business Credit Blogger since 2005, where he advises small businesses on funding opportunities. His goal is to help business owners minimise risk and avoid misleading credit building companies that only want to take advantage of small businesses.

Tip: "Focus on building business credit to separate any personal connection between you and your business. This allows you to establish the creditworthiness of the business and maintain easy access to capital for times when your company really needs it."  

- Marco Carbajo

Fuse Financial Partners

Fuse Financial Partners is a team of financial experts who also operate a blog section on their website, where they offer actionable advice on accounting tax planning, the rules of crowdfunding and much more. With a wide range of topics it is most likely that you will find an answer to your finance question.

Tip: Finance—and particularly the use of financial statements—is the practice of understanding exactly how a business works, from the inside out.

• Did the marketing campaign result in more profit than expense? (Should we do it again?)

• Does our union contract leave enough money to buy new machines when the current equipment breaks?

• Can we open a second location with more staff?

• How many customers do we need to make the new location profitable?

These are just a few of the real business questions that finance can answer. Asking and answering these kinds of questions is vital to the success and sustainability of a business. It is not enough to have a powerful vision, great products, or even smart people. Only a deeper dive into finance can show whether the effort is, and will be, successful at creating profits that will keep the business operating for years to come.

-  David Worrell

Quick & Dirty Tips

Laura Adams, a.k.a The Money Girl, hosts a finance blog on the popular advice website QickandDirtyTips. Although a lot of the posts are targeted at individuals, we still consider it a good read for business owners, as it offers a lot of valuable advice on how to manage your savings and investments.

Quote: "From credit, to taxes, to retirement, to insurance – I’ll make money simple so you rule your finances, make smart investment decisions, and have a richer life."


At Credibly editor Ben Goldstein will make sure to bring you the best content on small business capital management. Here, you will also find guest post by other experts from different industries. We love the Bootstrapper series, where you can learn from the success stories of other fellow entrepreneurs and get inspired!

Quote: "From evaluating your working capital requirements, to sourcing the right funds and using every dollar wisely, InCredibly is here to help you navigate the financial nuances of running a small business." 

Smarter Finance USA

On the smarter business finance blog you can learn a lot about equipment financing. Some posts focus in depth on different equipment types like IT equipment, Auto Shop equipment, salon equipment and more. Last year, they have also launched a podcast, so now you can choose to read the articles or give your eyes a rest and listen to the audio files.

Quote: "In my marketing business, many of our competitors would outright lie to their prospects about the potential returns on a marketing campaign in order to procure accounts. We refused to lie to our customers, and, in the short term, lost some potential business because of it, but in the long term, we kept our customers. More importantly, the serious customers that ran real businesses appreciated the fact that we provided them real information and that they could use us as a resource and partner in planning their marketing." 

Guidant Financial

The Guidant Financial blog is specialized in financing of small businesses and posts regular tips on business loans and other funding strategies. As you know, we love good video marketing and for that we recommend the ‘Small Business Success’ series. It features some great informational videos and stories from successful entrepreneurs.

Fact: "Guidant Financial's mission is to increase the number of people who succeed in small business.”

HR Blogs

Whether through their blog or with their HR software, CakeHR is dedicated to helping businesses solve human resources challenges so they can focus on their main objectives. The blog itself is a real gem with its clean design and clever articles.

Tip: The biggest mistake a small business can make is to think like a small business!

- Norberts Erts

Corn on The Job

Rich DeMatteo runs Corn on the Job, where he shares his vast knowledge on staffing and recruiting. Besides teaching you how to master job applications and interviews, he also discusses different HR management techniques that can help you become a better employer.

Quote: "I’m a Philadelphia area Staffing/Human Resources professional with experience in multiple disciplines of staffing. My adventures in both agency and corporate recruiting has handed over a wealth of knowledge, experience, joy, and opinion.I’ve developed a wealth of opinions through my experiences. This blog presents an opportunity for me to get that opinion out to you. Ultimately, Corn on the Job is for you, my Corn Heads." 

The HR Digest

The HR Digest is a great resource of information for those who want to stay up-to-date with HR news. The website welcomes you with livid aesthetics and great articles on issues shaping today’s HR. Anything you may want to find on strategy, tools, trends or success stories, it is probably already on HR Digest.

Fact: "In the world of new business thinking, The HR Digest is your trusted source for human resources leadership portfolios, news, features, blogs and newsletters on all that is leading in the world of Human Resources."

Evil HR Lady

Contrary to what the name of the blog may imply, you have no reason to fear Suzanne Lucas. With a dose of a good humour and smart remarks, Suzanne intertwines her expertise, opinions and current trends into one one interesting blog. We can definitely add Evil HR Lady to the section with informative, insightful, yet funny HR blogs.

Quote: "All HR people are evil, it's in our job description. Or at least, that seems to be the prevailing theory. In reality, there's just more going on behind the scenes than most people know. I'm here to demystify your Human Resources department and tell you just why you worked your tail end off all year and still got a 1.7 percent bonus."

Robin Schooling

Robin Schooling lives for human resources. She is an HR executive and strategist, specialising in recruiting, cultural alignment, performance and talent management, social  strategy and internal communication. If you want to get familiar with the fundamentals of HR or its role in general, then check out the blog. Robin posts regularly and she tends to incorporate trends or interesting individuals in her blog stories.

Quote: "I’m on a mission to make organisations better by making HR better." 

Perfect Labor Storm

Highly appreciated by his online audience, but not only, Ira Wolfe is considered to be one of the best professionals when it comes to assessing employees' job performance and cultural fit. The Perfect Labor Storm Blog contains informative and proactive articles that instruct,  coach, and challenge the followers. Topics include recruiting and hiring best practices, generation gaps and innovative solutions, or future work trends to name just a few.

Fact: "Nearly two decades ago Ira delivered a provocative forecast of the 20-year labor market. In his dynamic yet down-to-earth speaking style, Ira “tracked” the compelling story of demographic, economic, social and technological forces and revealed how far reaching and long lasting the effects would be on the work itself and the workplace."

People Equation

Fascinated by human interactions in the workplace, Jennifer V. Miller started The People Equation. Expanding her passion and interest, Jennifer writes about anything that a small business owner should know about HR. Helping teams to be more proactive and manage workplace dynamics better, are just some examples of Jennifer’s contribution to the HR community.

Quote: "A lot of fascinating stuff goes on day-to-day in the workplace: office politics, executive transitions, promotions, demotions, squabbles among co-workers. The “red thread” that runs through whatever happens in a business is people—and it’s the humanity that I spotlight on The People Equation." 

HR Potential

 Helen Tracey is an HR expert with 16 years of experience in the public sector. Being passionate about HR, Helen provides her personal insights on matters important to the domain of human resources, but not only. By sharing her endeavours she brings a lot of inspiration, many of us could use. Currently, she is a  Lecturer in Human Resource Management at the Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University.

Quote: "I chose the name of my blog (and Twitter account) when I started writing publicly in January 2014. It reflects what I believe is both present in every individual and within the profession itself – latent potential just waiting to be unlocked." 

HR Hardball

HR Hardball has human resources all figured out. John “Whit” Whitaker writes regularly on topics like employee engagement, diversity, integration, talent acquisition and much more. His expertise is reflected in the popularity of his blog and the number of followers on Twitter. If you need to know more on how to handle your human resources right, John is your guy.

Quote: “JOHN WHITAKER, THE "OH" HR Business Strategist and lover of all things related to change in the workplace: When companies struggle with the pain involved with change and the impact on their respective "people" ~ he’s on the short list. ”

HR Dive

The HR Dive filters through all industry news and brings you only the most relevant stories. All articles are sorted into convenient categories like ‘corporate news’, ‘recruiting’ and ‘hr management’. We especially enjoy reading the Dive Brief and insights on current studies.

Fact: Our mission is to provide busy professionals like you with a bird's-eye-view of the HR industry in 60 seconds.

10 Law Blogs
NOLA Small Business Law Blog

At Small Business Law Blog the day-to-day legalities of running a small business are throughly explained. Andrew Legrand does not believe in spending thousands of dollars on legal advices, so he found an alternative way to help out small business owners. Posts are published on a regular basis and include topics such as: "How to protect your small organisation from litigation" or "Why would a small business owner want a buy-sell agreement?"

Tip: “Many businesses are owned by more than one person, but partners seldom write down their agreement. Early decisions are easy, but the business itself is at risk when (not if) the unexpected occurs or a complicated issue arises, and the partners disagree on a resolution. A comprehensive Operating Agreement can help avoid deadlock. Most business owners feel protected because their agreement was "drafted by an attorney." In our experience, most attorneys do not follow a systematic process to help the partners create that agreement. If the agreement is less than 20 pages, it's probably missing something.

- Andrew Legrand

Eric Goldman

 If you are concerned with the dubious reliability of information found online, wipe away your worries and visit Eric Goldman’s blog. He is a Professor of Law at Santa Clara University School of Law and an active writer on topics like Internet Law, Intellectual Property and Advertising & Marketing Law. If you are concerned about the IP issues, or unsure what steps you may take in advertising, Goldman provides you with opinions on e-commerce, domain names, copyright or privacy, to name a few.

Tip: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Spending a little money upfront on a few key legal formalities lays the foundation for a successful business."

-  Eric Goldman 

Rocket Lawyer Blog

Rocket Lawyer is a source of cool facts and information you need to know about law. The team’s goal is to help you identify ways the law can make your life easier, and find tips you can understand about timely legal topics. The website together with the blog offers a wide range of articles, as well as a database of hundreds of legal documents and the opportunity to chat with a lawyer.

Fact: "At Rocket Lawyer, we believe that everyone deserves simple and affordable access to legal services. As part of this mission, Everyday Law helps you identify the little and big ways the law can make your life better." 

Business Law Post

Arina Shulga is the creator of Business Law Post and she deals specifically with: start-up law, securities offerings, cross-border transactions, business entity formation, licensing, contracts, employment-agreements and more. Her posts are published regularly, often explaining matters related to the issues small business owners are facing today. If you want to know more about different types of online agreements, their enforceability and the necessary steps to take when it comes to online contracts, Arina can explain it all.

Tip: "Avoid handshake deals. Make sure you put the terms of your agreement in writing, no matter how small the deal is. By doing so, you may find out that your understanding of the deal is not quite like your partner's. Creating an agreement will ensure that you and your partner are on the same page with respect to deal terms and expectations. This may save a lot of money in litigation and legal costs later on."

- Arina Shulga

The Blog For Business Law

Commentary on new legal, judicial and regulatory developments in areas such as intellectual property, human resources, construction and real estate, environmental compliance and more. The Blog for Business is dedicated to those who need clarification and explanation of sometimes hectic rules of dealing with law – starting from tax, patent, labour and employment ending on a business law.

Fact: “In this exciting and sometimes confusing world of commerce, clients need legal advisors who can cut through the noise and focus on the issues that matter most. The Blog for Business Law is an expression of the core mission of Evans & Dixon: to provide business clients with sophisticated legal advice, responsive communications and hands-on industry knowledge.”

The Conglomerate

The Conglomerate created by Gordon Smith and Christine Hurt is a blog about business, law, economics and society. Besides the two founders, there are five more bloggers who regularly post on these matters. The Conglomerate, in addition to providing interesting insights also hosts Junior Scholars Workshop each summer, as well as occasional "Conglomerate Fora" and the Conglomerate Book Club.

Fact: “When Gordon and Christine joined forces, one of their first tasks was selecting a name. The word "conglomerate" denotes the gathering of disparate parts into a whole. Christine and Gordon were blogging in separate places, and now they are blogging in the same place. "Conglomerate" also denotes a rough assemblage of rocks and pebbles. Finally, "to conglomerate" is a verb about bringing together things to form a whole. What better description of a blog?”

Business of Law Blog

Business of Law Blog is managed by LexisNexis software division headquartered in Raleigh, NC. The team of writers provide up-to-date insights and trends when it comes to choosing the right legal solutions or technology tools used by legal departments. The blog is well equipped with tips and advice, so dig in!

Fact: This blog is managed by the LexisNexis software division headquartered in Raleigh, NC.   While LexisNexis is better known for its legal research tools, the software division is growing business within the company. 

Law 4 Small Business

Behind the Law 4 Small Business stands a pretty impressive group of lawyers, designers, writers, and coffee drinkers - as they describe themselves. In the attempt to help small business owners they blog about a variety of topics. In addition to providing comments on different domains of law, they also distinguish between the laws of different states. So, if you happen to need to know what to expect from the Illinois, Texas or New Mexico laws, this is your blog.

Quote: “Our focus is also on helping new entrepreneurs get new businesses off the ground and assisting existing businesses in remaining safe and protected as they grow. We work through the hard stuff in small business you can get to, well…doing business.”

All About Advertising Law

Editors of All About Advertising Law, Amy Mudge and Randy Shaheen address the issues related to advertising and consumer law. They focus on the latest news and developments, comment on them so their readers could make informed decisions. Posts are published on a regular basis so you will not miss anything that is essential to know for small business owner.

Fact: “Editors Amy Mudge and Randy Shaheen are partners in the Washington-based law firm of Venable LLP. They share a combined 45 years of experience in advertising law and have been blogging on the subject for over six years, garnering a wide, loyal audience of peers. Their clients benefit from Amy and Randy’s thorough knowledge of the regulatory landscape and proven track record in high profile, high stakes cases.”

The Employer Handbook

The Employer Handbook is run by Eric Meyer who is a partner at Dilworth Paxson LLP’s Labor & Employment Department. Any aspect of employment discrimination, employee practices, leaves of absence or employment contracts is something Eric can tell a thing or two about. Posts appear almost everyday and in most cases, they are related to what is currently happening in the world. So, there are pretty big chances that by following this blog, you will stay updated and your knowledge about the law will expand.

Quote: “Outside of the office, I frequently train both management and their employees on workplace harassment issues. The First Judicial District of Pennsylvania is one of the many I train. From time-to-time, I also investigate internal employee claims of discrimination and sexual harassment for business clients. Additionally, I serve as both a volunteer mediator for the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and an arbitrator in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas.”

And That's All For This Year!

Thanks to all the interesting blogs that have participated in this year's awards. See you in the upcoming year!

If you think we forgot some important blogs in our list or if you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact us.

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